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Standing up for what is right


Well-known member
St Petersburg Times

From: Terri Latner
Airboat World Magazine

Ms. Shoichet,

This letter is in reference to your article in the St. Petersburg Times on October 12, 2005. Webster’s dictionary defines noise as a loud, confused, or senseless shouting or outcry. I, as an airboat enthusiast and sportsman take offence to the use of this word by you when you are describing the sound projected by airboats. As a journalist you have an obligation to report facts and information to your readers without bias objection or opinion. To use a statement or word that projects such prejudice is unfair not only to the airboating community but to your readers that may not be familiar with airboat sound and could be compelled to form an opinion based on your reporting. I hope that in future reports pertaining to airboat sound that we can count on you to give fair and balanced information without words or statements that can cause stigma to the airboat industry.

Thank you,
Terri Latner
Airboat World Magazine
http://www.sptimes.com/2005/10/12/Citru ... ater.shtml

Re: Director of aquatic services presented findings on airboat noise

Ms. Shoichet,

On the article you wrote I have one comment. The Florida Wildlife Commission study was on Airboat SOUND, not Airboat noise. While we have folks on both sides of this issue, the airboat sportsmen of Florida take offense to the bias and negative word "noise" being used instead of the neutral word "sound."
What is music to one person may be noise to another, to simply refer to this sound as noise is projecting a bias opinion of the subject before your readers. Allow them to decide!
I'm sure the thousands of hungry, thirsty, stranded folks in hurricane Katrina ravaged areas would agree that the sound of an airboat was "music" to their ears. Same with the hundreds of handicapped children who have been on volunteered airboat rides in Citrus County.

Captain Phil Walters
Florida Airboat Association- President
Isn't it FUN when intelligent, articulate people stand up for us !!!

God bless them both.

Squeaky wheel gets the grease & you have to become "offended" to get attention. Worked for the NAACP, it will work for us. Give 'em both barrels!
You are welcome.

Feel free to pile on. I kinda enjoy hunting liberals as much as any other hunting. I just wish others would find the challenge & entertainment in defending ourselves from the anti's.

When we, sportsmen, start acting like a nest of hornets by not laying down for an attack upon us but to get stirred up IN MASS & defend ourselves in an intelligent, coordinated fashion, I think we will reclaim lost ground and offer a lesson to the left: we will sting you if you mess with us.

I think we have lost so much the last few years we are starting to act. I hope so..........