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stinger gear drive alignment bushing


Well-known member
FYI Recently a friend aquired a stinger gear box and put it on his boat when i talked to him about it I asked him if he had put the bushing in the end of the crank. We decided to remove the gear box to see if the bushing had indeed been installed and it hadn't . This bushing is there to properly align the drive plate to the flex plate with out it the bearings will be damaged . Also use 1 quart of 85-140 amsoil and change the gear oil at every engine oil change.
Is it a special bushing or is it the same as a pilot bushing?
That's a shame. Be nice to be able to pull your airboat motor for your mud truck or race car or vice-versa when you blow the other one up.

I'm guessing it is press fit though, like pilot bushing?