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stolen airboat

Kitchen Pass

Well-known member
i just recently joined in april and this is the first time posting. Wish it didn't have to be for this!
a good friend of mine just had his airboat stolen Sunday afternoon in broad daylight between 4 and 6 pm. It was stolen from his plant nursery on 520 in cocoa, west of 95. Whoever did it cut the lock on the main gate to gain entrance.
The boat is blue and silver, 13 ft, zz4 motor with warp drive prop, also has spray rigging set up for the nuseries use.
That's all the info I have on it right now. Will post again if I can get FL and VIN#s and a picture. If they are any good now.
Please email me if you have any information and I will pass it on to them.
Thank you. have to head out to work now, but will check back when i get home.
Very sorry to hear about your friends bad luck, I live in Cocoa ( BUTT CRACK OF BREVARD) also so I will keep an eye out. I REALLY hate a thief.
Welcome to the chatterbox, just wish it was under better circumstances. What the hell is going onj, ifrst a prop now a whole damned airboat !

With the forum fo course we hear about a LOT of things we never knew happened nationwide before. Maybe we just get the info now and didn't before.

Yes get the FL and VIN and we will all keep a lookout for it, even some pics if possible. Full description, type of hull specific or unusual modifications etc.

Welcome kitchen get a picture out as soon as you can maybe a flier that members can print and post around the state at their local airboat landings let me know if you catch him as he may be the same one who stole my prop last week at 528 and SR3
thanks everyone, but I have to wait to get the info. Probably not a picture since they mainly use it FOR WORK . That's why I have to wait for info, they don't generally get back from the field this soon. as soon as i find out any more info, i will post it.

Thanks again
You know, Its really hard to believe that a fellow airboater would steal from another, But where else would the market be!! Most I have been around for the last 20 or so years would bend over backwards to help one another. This is really getting out of hand and has to stop!! :pain10:

Also agreed to meet under such circumstances. Get the pic if possible.

At leats tar & feather and drag them through some saw grass :shock:

I'm sure the thieves aren't the kind you find on this site offering advice and help. Most of them probably don't even run airboats, they're too busy stealing and dealing. I bet they don't do well when it comes to airboaters code of ethics and muffling requirements either.
There is a Blue fiberglass airboat with a car motor parked behind Midway fish camp. It has been sitting there for about 3 days unattended. The rigging is black and the Fl # are :Fl 4321 HF" Have never seen the boat before The letter are silver or white. Its strange that the boat has not been moved. Don't see anybody at the old fish camp. Is this the boat you are looking for? Best of luck, Hal
The bad thing is the losers that do this kinda stuff will more than likely strip it, part it out and get rid of the hull. no regard for the countless dollars and hours an owner puts in to his craft. There needs to be sting operation set up to get these pricks. theres just some things you don't do to a man, and steal his boat is one of them.
Thanks deep sea diver, but, the boat we're looking for is an aluminum hull with blue rigging. they reported it to the local sheriff dept. doubt it will do any good now. too many days have passed, and its probably parted out. the boat at midway could be another stolen boat, and they had to dump it for some reason. thanks for keeping an eye out.