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I recently purchased a GPU 220 with all the covers and generator shrouds on it. I was told that the small generator attached next to the throttle control assembly is also the starter on this motor. The unit was purchased surplus over 20 years ago and the fellow that owned it replaced the oil in it regularly and turned it over a few times a year. The owner passed on last year he was an avid pilot and stored the 220 in one of his hangers. It looks like it was never run, i have not pulled a barrel yet to see. I was hoping one of you fine gentlemen could inform me if it true the generator doubles as a starter? I am also confused with the two solenoids that go into the top of the carburetor. Would anyone know where I could get a conclusive manual on the unit? Is their any special concerns I should have with stripping this unit down as well? I sincerely appreciate any help.