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Sunday Morning Buck


Well-known member
Hey Guys got lucky Sunday morning I got up and it was a calm cold morning in Georgia 28 degrees and decided I was going to hunt behind the house where they are puting a new subdivision in and I had gotten permission to hunt it on week ends and after 5 pm on week days I have seen several very large bucks over there so I put all my gear on and climbing stand on my back and started out to hunt my neighbore next door had sold all his land to the developer and he has a large field behind my house so I walked next door and started down the hill and stated my way up the hill to the field in the back and then was going to cut accross to the woods and cleared area next door where I had seen all the big Bucks frost was on the ground and it was about 7:15 and it had gotten lighter than I wanted and just as I eased up the hill I saw a Doe flag so I eased up slowly and quitly to the crest of the hill and when I got there I saw the doe headed to the tree line and then the Buck jumped up an ran with her and I was mad at my self for geting out there so late but to my surprise they both stoped at the tree line about 150 yrds away and I thought Buck you have just made a big mistake I eased my rifle up to a standing off hand position and put the cross hairs on the buck and whent to pull the trigger and realized the safty was on so I pushed it off and by this thime the 16 lbs of my Sniper Rifle was starting to get heavy
and the Buck was standing in tall grass and I did have some consern that the grass might deflect the 6mm bullet I was shootig so I put the cross hairs adout 3 in below the spine and touched the rifle off and the Buck disapeared out of my scope and I saw the doe cuting a trail out accross the development so I walked across the field and there he layed right where I shot him on the edge of the tree line and I realized he was a lot larger than I thought he was, needless to say I had a big smile on my face and thus ended my 10 minute hunting trip the picture is posted if one of you more knowledgeable guys will post it on this thread
Sweet, nice buck we don't see them around here like that!
I'm glad to see the big bucks are moving, and are being seen with does.... the rut is right around the corner. Congrats on your big buck!!
JL242":3uk72vst said:
I'm glad to see the big bucks are moving, and are being seen with does.... the rut is right around the corner. Congrats on your big buck!!
By the look of the neck on that Buck it might be on now. :wink:
Great kill.
thats it im looking in to huting rights in georga subdivisions next year :lol: thats a good buck im sure he didnt feel a thing