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I just purchased a 18x8 panther airboat that was swamped in salt water. I have not opened the motor yet but I don't expect to salvage the engine. Engine is a 454 with 2:1 gear box, I beleive the gear box is a precision?? Does anyone know if the gear box would be salvagable? And if so is it possible to change the gears in it to make it a 2.68:1. I would like to try a 2.68:1 and swing one of those monster props that Thunder talks so highly of. I currently have a 18x8 direct drive a not firmiliar with gear boxes. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Just one more question. Thunder talked about a 496 Gen IV being a great torque monster, and more reliable then the Gen V and Gen VI What years did they make the GenIV engines, and what type of vehicle were they available in? If anyone knows of a website that I could reseach the difference between the Gen IV, V and VI. Sorry to bombard you with so many questions. HAPPY POSTING