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Tell me about Florida


With a lot of you being Florida residents, I thought I would ask about this here.

My 5th grade son is doing a report on the state of Florida for a school project. Part of this report is a large poster with a map of the state in the center. He thought it would be fun to put pictures on the map relating to what that area of Florida is known for. An example would be that my area of Nebraska would have a picture of cattle, and a corn field.

Things like Disney World, gators in the Everlades, and the different sports teams are easy, but what are some things that a non resident may not be aware of? I know there are some big cattle ranches in Florida.

And just to tie this into the airboating forum. An airboat will be one of the pictures included.

Any help is appreciated.
well in hernando county we have the mermaids,we also used to be huge in lumber and citrus.but now we just do import buisness we bring northerners in and sell them realastate.down south fl. sugar cane is big.and in polk county lots of rock mining industry.
We send alot of feeder cattle out west. Florida can raise more cattle per acre then any where. We get those earling nice and fat and sent them out your way to finish them. So make sure you include some pictures of cattle. If you can skip the pictures of Disney World most of us Floridans would be thankfull. :lol:
There is some great info on the above site about our industry, past and present
It was officially sighted on March 27th of 1513 by Juan Ponce de Leon then between April2 and 8th in the vicinity of present day St. Augustine, he named it land "Pascua Florida" because of it's discovery "during the time of Feast of Easter" The are hundreds of shipwrecks off the coast of Florida and over 20 known Spanish treasure ships to still be found on what's called the treasure coast. These ship wrecks still produce treasure items on the beaches after hurricanes. To me personally the coolest thing about Florida is the wild life there are more species of plants and animals here then about any other state. It has the best sport finishing of anywhere in the world due to it's vast coastline and vast amount of fresh water lakes it is also home to the only river that flows North in North America the St.Johns River. It hast vast marshes and swamps which are home to many species like the Alligator. It's a sportsmans paridise. The Space program does all of their launches here that is why were called the space coast. The first national park in U.S. history is located in Merritt Island Florida and was established by Theodore Roosevelt because he saw people shooting egrets for only their feathers. So he established a national park there to protect the birds. Florida was originally inhabited by the fierce cannibal Ias Indians and the extremely large Colusa Indians which were known for their massive size there were also the Seminole Indians but no where near the stature of the Callus's. Florida produces most all the Oranges produced in the U.S and it's largest industry is tourism they generate so much income from this industry they do not have a state income tax. I'm an amateur history buff and would love to help with any questions about Florida's History.
That's what I'm talkin about, Bondsman. A one-man walkin around Florida History class.
I gotta tell ya, Thunder. That was impressive ..... 8) .

Good stuff guys, keep it coming. With the member density of Floridians I knew this would be a good place to ask.

Any specifics about what regions are known for what (ie. orange production) would be great.
Thanks guy's, I know I'm defective and retain too much worthless information. I really enjoy anything mechanical or historical. I do realize now as an adult that I was truly blessed to live and be born in Florida. I am only at home when on the water and I'm grateful I saw Florida before it was ruined. I can assure you I know absolutely nothing about Art, Literature, Home economics, Health, and ton's of other facts. And my wife will attest to that also.
Actually the Area that the Iis Indians occupied from Indian River county to Merritt Island is where most of the Oranges and Grapefruit come from most people have heard of Indian River Grapefruit and Oranges. Another interesting fact is all those thousands of years the Iis Indians lived near the river and ocean they pilled their shell fish remains on the banks and used them as Burial grounds but in the 20's the locals started using these mounds for the shells and that's what allot of the local roads were made from. I talk people who lived here during the 1900's when ever I can and they all agree it was a wonderful place to live I have pictures of Black bears and trout lines on the Indian River with 50 or so huge trout in the 1900's to 1920's. There is so much more History to Melbourne then people realize. I have also found several burial grounds and artifacts on the St.Johns.
i wished my family had more info we go back to 1832 in sumter county.and all that time my dad was the only one to move out and he only went one county over.if it is not about linden,terrytown,or webster
my granpa does not know anything about it.
One important feature that is less commonly displayed on Florida maps is the migration of snowbirds. These can be found throughout Florida around Sept. through late April with heavier concentrations in central and south Florida. Often times these migration periods are joked upon by the Florida natives but it is indeed a driving force for the state's economy. :D :D :D
Brevard county has several cities and the Kennedy Space Center as well as the Canaveral Air Force Station. We see the Shuttle and Atlas, and Delta launches from our back yards.

Melbourne was originally a saw mill town named Hopkinsville and had a private railway to Kissimmee. Now the area is mostly a technology based center.

The St. Johns and its associated marshes offer camping, fishing, frogging and an Alligator season. Harvey"s Groves shipps oranges worldwide as well as offers roadside stands for local consumption.

Brevard County also suffers excessively from urban sprawl due to lack of will and direction from the local populace. Rampant Growth, seedy politics, and secret dealings have significantly reduced the desirability of it as a place to live. Nearly all beaches are private now and the public beaches are about all thats left for the locals to take a swim. There are no fires allowed and you may not drive on the beaches.

I recommend people interested in Florida stay away from Brevard County.

Bondsman your family folk are the very people I love to talk to. I meet an old Melbourne native that was born in 1906 that witness the famous shot out on the old one way causeway between the law and some famous bandits. He told me some Killer stories from the roaring 20's about rum running in our area. He gave me a picture of a black bear he shot swimming across the river during the depression I copied it and brought it back to him. His whole house was a museum of old Cracker Style Florida. I bet we talked for 6 hours I use to fish with him behind his house until he died, everybody was chomping at the bit for his river front property it is now a duplex.
Here in the Tampa Bay area The Emerald coast.. we have another famous Spainish explorer Hernando Desoto ... He landed in Charlotte Harbor June 1 1539 and about a month later headed north into Tampa bay. He later marched his army north to Tallahassee creating whats now know as Desoto Trail. He then traveled through Al,Ga,Tn,Ky,Ill,Mo and Ark. so he was quite the explorer.He died in 1542 and was placed in the Miss.river and his army fled to mexico.
most of my granpa's stories are about farming and church activities,as a kid.hunting and fishing as a teen and the korean years he doesn't talk about.then he talks about how he could bearly afford all of his kids.but most of his conversation is about how they were real football players when he was young and which leeds him into everything about the florida gators whether you wan to hear it or not.
S.W. Florida,

Black bears still exist, (every year in our yard). The dwindking Florida panther was introduced to the western cougar in the 80's, (thriving again with the land taken from the sportsman/hunters and given for panther protection). Both the above are "radio tagged" and monitored against poaching.

The Tamiami trail. Built by Mr. Barron Collier in the 20's to link Miami to Naples where one of the first "walking dredges" ever built in the U.S. was put to use, (there is one left in Collier Seminole State Park here in Collier County, pretty neat)!

LAND OF EMINENT DOMAIN! Last year our own veteran Jesse Hardee lost his land to the government to the tune of "save the Everglades". This week 100's have lost thier house/land to expand our roadways for big development! SAVE THE EVERGLADES IS NOTHING MORE THAN AQUIFER STORAGE FOR THE RICH AND THIER GOLF COURSES!

Collier County has more golf courses than any other county in the U.S. besides I believe Palm Beach County in California. Yeah, lots of rich people here, but they sure don't "share the wealth" with the blue collar folks. Medium housing price $300,000.00!

It just makes me sick basket what they have done to our land all over this state. Especially south Florida where I was born and raised. I quit hunting Bear Island since they just about outlawed buggies. Heck you could drive a Honda Civic down the "buggy trails". Don't get me started.
Hey Bpneiman,

I just wanted to fill you in on fact about Nebraska, we have one Airboat Tour company in Nebraska

Bryson's Airboat Tours
Fremont, NE