Posted by WaterLizard 8)
Saturday, October 2, 2004
Lake Wales, FL
Airboaters volunteered their airboats and time to evacuate residents
from the Peace Creek RV & Mobile Home Park near Waverly, just north
of Lake Wales. Airboaters transported residents from the Park, that
has become an island, completely surrounded by rising flood waters
from the Peace CreeK.
The Park has been isolated since Hurricane Jeanne, when the access
road and surrounding land began flooding.
The airboaters arrived at the Park entrance off US 27, north of Lake
Wales, at approximately 9:00 am Saturday morning and spent 6 hours
shuttling the Park's residents and their belongs to and from the
Park. Some residents had evacuated prior to the storm's arrival and
had not seen their homes since. For those who had already evacuated,
the airboats provided a means for them to return and secure their
homes and for those who had not yet left, the airboaters were a
welcome site.
Saturday, October 2, 2004
Lake Wales, FL
Airboaters volunteered their airboats and time to evacuate residents
from the Peace Creek RV & Mobile Home Park near Waverly, just north
of Lake Wales. Airboaters transported residents from the Park, that
has become an island, completely surrounded by rising flood waters
from the Peace CreeK.
The Park has been isolated since Hurricane Jeanne, when the access
road and surrounding land began flooding.
The airboaters arrived at the Park entrance off US 27, north of Lake
Wales, at approximately 9:00 am Saturday morning and spent 6 hours
shuttling the Park's residents and their belongs to and from the
Park. Some residents had evacuated prior to the storm's arrival and
had not seen their homes since. For those who had already evacuated,
the airboats provided a means for them to return and secure their
homes and for those who had not yet left, the airboaters were a
welcome site.