A great big thank you for a well thought out and planned outing. The frogs didnt rsvp their invitation but that is life. It was a true pleasuer to see Your dad, brother, his son and yours all out together and having a good time while at it. I especially liked when your brothers kid had to be bungy tied in because he was sleeping so soundly on the airboat. Obviously he has a little seat time there and feels quite at home on his dads boat.
Ya'll were truly hospitable and considerate. The extra lights and gigs and offers of use of the same were a first class demonstration of southern hospitality at its best. A sincere thank you and a IOU for that quart of oil. John
Ya'll were truly hospitable and considerate. The extra lights and gigs and offers of use of the same were a first class demonstration of southern hospitality at its best. A sincere thank you and a IOU for that quart of oil. John