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The Complete Boat Weighs How Much?


Well-known member
I know that you gentlemen might not be open to discussing you weight, But those who are willing to share continue on. I have looked through almost every page on this forum and while I have seen lot's of threads on hull weight, I don't see much about complete boat weight. I thought it would be nice for me to be able to set a target weight for myself. If you also mention performance with different loads I wouldn't object to that either. Just thought I would throw it out there!
I seem to remember somone who went to a truck scale and weighed their rig...maybe try searching for that???

It really depends on a lot of stuff though...lots of variables. Not many boats are set up exactly the same so an accurate comparison would be difficult.IMO.

As far as performance with loads...keep your weight off the nose if want to run dry well and spread everything out evenly for a smooth ride on the water.

Course, I guess you could go to the dark side and get a Waterthunder engine and go anywhere you please with anything you want.... :p

I was the one that recently posted regarding weighing my boat at the truck scales. It's 14' X 7.5' Diamond Back w/383 belt drive and aluminium rigging. Seating configured for 5. Weight of boat is approx. 2400 pounds.
Like they said, things can be so variable because of different thicknesses of just the engine stand. When you start stacking SS rigging on the stand and cage, you typically gain some weight.

I had weights somewhere for different alloys of aluminum at different weights as well as that alloys tensile strength at the thickness. You can then get a ballpark idea of the weight of a stripped hull to compare apples to oranges to peaches.

I weighed my boat for trailer tag purposes and total weight on trailer was 3200. Then had to get empty weight for trailer which was 1000. That day my boat was weighing 2200 lbs,dont know how much gas i had.I have 15 ft Panther 4 seater w/1/2 poly ZZ4 belt reduction and 80 in. prop. I thought it was heavy but i heard that is about right, surprising to me it will climb anything but it goes where i want to go.