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Thinking about getting a small block boat


Well-known member
I have been riding with my buddy for years now and finally had enough of driving his boat and want my own.........I dont have too much cash lying around and have been seriously considering getting a fiberglass hull with a small block chevy....I know they are a hell of alot heavier than aircraft of GPU's but are cheaper and parts and service I can generally do myself....I am not too big of a fan of running dry trails and if I want to play in the mud i will take my 4 wheeler out but would like enough power so if i have to run run for 100 yards or so would like to have the power to get through it to the water.....A question I had is can I pull that off with a direct drive or do I need a gear reduction for that....Someone once told me that a prop can spin more than 3,000 or so rpms....With a direct drive how fast will I be running.....Also can someone give me a ball park figure on how many gallons per hour there small block burns direct drive or gear reduction...Thanks
Ther are all aluminum v8 out there now and they are lighter than a 6 cyclinder Aircraft engine and I think you would also be a lot more pleased with the performance of your boat if you run a gear drive a 2.68 would be a good one and then you could run of the new q series props like I did and cut your fuel consumption in half and you would be quit, also there are some very good preforming V6's out there also.
The gear box is the only way to go when I had a driect drive and put a gear box on it was so much better just wish I would have done it sooner.just wish I would have none about the gear boxes before I got mine. but like snpier said get a 268 with a super wide 2 blade and cut fuel.I have seen first hand on how much fuel I use and how much water thunder uses when we run the same distance he used about 5 gallons less than i did. and i just ordered my 2 blade on monday.

soon I'll have to up grade to the ls1
It depends on the hull you choose. If your rig is light enough you will probably be able to run dry direct drive. 100 yards is a long way to run dry though direct drive. If you are sure you will only be direct drive I suggest a 500 Cadillac or 455 Olds. They don't weigh much more than a small block chevy but they both generate their peak torque before 5000 rpm which makes them great direct drive engines but need work to use with reduction units. I switched from a small block to the 500 Cadillac on my 15 x 7.5 aluminum hull with poly and the difference was night and day. Less fuel and ton's more power. Depending on the surface I can run dry no problem as far as I need to. One thing to keep in mind is any boat... any boat can get stuck. Also from what I have learned on this website is that aircraft engines are not that difficult to work on. It's finding the parts that is the issue. I was told by many people that my 500 caddy only weighs 50 to 60 pounds more than the small block I was running. If I had lighter rigging and a shorter boat I'm sure it would run hills. But my dad and I built a tank for rigging (first time building a boat) and i'm sure it is heavier than what any one else runs. (3/4" and 1" square tubing for everything but the cage)

forgot to say I'm in the same situation... not enough$$$ to build what I want. If I had the money it would be the caddy upgradded to handle a 2.38 gear box and a ultra wide prop (Sensenich or Whirlwind)
I would suggest if money is the main issue or limiting factor. I would do what ever you could to run a gearbox but if you don’t have the budget for one, I can assure you if you like airboating enough and stick with it you will eventually end up with a gearbox. So if you can’t afford a gearbox buy a used LS1 but with the iron block they are cheap because nobody wants the iron block how ever they are still lighter then the old Small Blocks and most already come with aluminum heads. Then rigg your boat out for a DD LS1 which will out perform the older SBC because of weight, torque and the roller valve train. Plus the LS1's have more stroke then the standard SBC’s You can build a good running DD for cheap! And if you can afford to later upgrade to an aluminum LS1 with a gearbox.
What I was thinking about is first searching around and find a nice boat within my budget and go from there.....I just want to be out there riding.....If it is direct drive than later on I might up grade to gear reduction or maybe a aircraft motor who knows......but I appriciate all the help and anything anyone else has to add would be too.....I have seen a few adds on airboat trader for direct drives for aroun $3500 to $4000....Does that sound right for a direct drive 350?????
You picked the right time to buy a used boat.
At least that's what I think.

No matter what you decide to get, it sure looks like a buyers market out there right now.

Take your time, and check it over carefully before you plunk your money down.
Quacker,I know of one boat you might be interested in $6000.00 350, rotator reduction, cotton mouth hull with trailer. pm me if your interested and i'll give ya the fellers number.