What a guy cc! Way to go. Was it a kicker or an airboat that you helped? Like cntry is always sayin' (and I'm always agreein')
What goes around, comes around
I wish handsignals were more widely known. in SCUBA the universal hand signal for "I'm alright" is to reach up and put your hand, palm-down on the top of your head.
Since Laura and I sort of like to just hang out drifting or on the bank sometimes, we often appear broke down. When a boat comes up and it looks like they are gonna offer help, I give the the "I'm OK" hand signal so they don't even have to get off plane. I've only done it a couple times, and it has worked. Must have been boats of divers I guess.
But I sometimes have used that signal as a question, hand on head and the other hand pointing at the person who looks like they need help. As if to ask "Are you O.K.?" I just get "What th..?" looks with it.... like it's some new way to flip someone off. LOL
I wish more people understood hand signals... and I wish there was a STANDARD system of hand signals agreed upon. Sad fact is, most boaters would never bother to really learn it.
I'm getting the same feeling about the code of ethics for airboaters. I mention it and fols say "Code of what?"
As for cold temps... How could a fuel line freeze up unless there was water in the line - and a lot of it.... which would be the problem not the freezing.
I like riding in cold temps. As long as I'm dressed for it. UNLESS I have to get my feet wet!!! Definitely like barefoot weather much better!!!