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Tornado Airboats



Looks like a company in Australia making airboats


This is very interesting:


"We can supply our unique double skin hull material that has made our Tornado Airboats popular and famous, this double skin system eliminates internal frames, ribs and stringers. It is super strong and yet incredibly light, after the hull is built and just as we do, you can inject rigid expandable polyurethane foam to further increase strength and add to flotation"
Good deal for our brothers down under and God bless 'em. I hope our builders take note about that foam. All macho bravado bullcrap aside, this is the 21st century and nobody should have to worry about owning a sinkable boat.
On the surface it sure don't look very flexable. I guess the light weight statement is relative. I'll stay with single skins with stringers..

Looks like they got a sweet shop. WOW !

That's an extrusion that is available here and I know guys building all kinds of stuff as well as trailers wih it but mostly a basis for production equipment, not cheap stuff but very strong and probably reduce some costly labor. Or just get the Chinese to build it and all of us will benifit, RIGHT?!!! UGLY BOAT!
Extruded aluminum????????????? Looks like they are building from screen enclosure aluminum. I can only imagine the bottom after one season on dry ground. And what if you knock a hole in the bottom or get a leak. How do you find it.
Mike you are dead on the money and 90% of the time anything extruded
is a agricultural grade and is not heat treated it's usually below 50 on the brinell scale. In other words it's very soft opposed to the commonly welded hull material 6061T6 which is 95 on the brinell scale the riveted boats are 7075 and around 150 brinell if exstruded is heat treated which I doubt it get's very expensive.
What about the corrosion that might get inside it that would be a nightmare to try to find as well and I agree they are ugly boats I think I will stick with my Diamondback
Don't let it get you down Red Dwarf. My Dad always said opinions are like a$$holes, everybodies got one.
If you like those boats then that's all that matters. I like seeing what other people are doing and their slant on things. When you find these different ideas I'm glad your posting them.
I just thought it was neat to see somebody doing something different.

Their fab work looks first rate, and who knows, they may be on to something

Sorry Red I did not mean to step on your toes but because I do search & Rescue I look at things a little differant : :?
Who cares how they look, How do they perform thats what I care about and the foam filled safety factor is a plus as long as there not to heavy, Look like good boats.