Writing one now... sending it to
robyn.tomlin@starbanner.com the Executive Editor of the newsroom.
Edited to add the letter I sent. I hope it was not too long. But I had a LOT to say about that!!!
Hello Ms. Tomlin,
I am an airboater and I am shocked, appalled, and dismayed that you would print the article written by Trudy Dickenson without checking her facts.
Some problems I have with her article that make it misleading:
We airboaters were not motivated by greed. We were sitting here watching the hurricane hit and having our hearts broken because we had the tools to RESCUE people who needed help. Brown turned away a few, but many of us did get in there and SAVED THOUSANDS.
A few Floridians are begging for relief from airboat sound. Not ALL Floridians or even SOME Floridians as your article implies. The 'few' are very vocal about their cause. But they are few.
You have allowed a writer to state as fact fringe theories about the hazards of sound vibration effects on the human body. There is NO widespread and accepted facts that general sound encountered by everyday people is in ANY way hazardous to health. There may be data referring to weapons grade experimental sound-based weapons, but these are not anywhere near the class of sound that an airboat, loud stereo, or even a helicopter produces. Bottom line is, you printed a lie.
She mentions "three-dimensional sound" and that just makes no sense whatsoever! Sounds like something from the National Enquirer.
The writer of that article states that the victims of New Orleans were stressed to the point of suicide and airboat sound is something they could not handle. THAT IS AN ABSURD STATEMENT!!!! You have NO WAY to even begin to back up that frivolous claim! How can that be printed as a fact??!!
And she claims that airboaters were running over dead bodies floating in the water. Again, what fact is that statement based on? She claims it is unconscionable of the airboaters to capitalize on the disaster to further a cause. Yet, she uses the same disaster to further her own cause.
Trudy Dickenson has been making some of the most absurd arguments against airboaters. It is obvious to the airboating community, the FWC, and even the few anti-airboaters don't even listen to her anymore. She has some kind of personal vengeance against airboaters and has used your paper to spread her unrealistic lies.
Thank you.
Matt Hasty