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Happy 4th let us reflect

Prepare now friends 1775 2.0 may come in our lifetime.

Our forefathers and those who fought and died in every battle from Lexington & Concord to Ramadi Iraq would turn over in their grave seeing the direction this country is headed.

Evidence the President was funneled millions from China ignored by the mainstream media and DOJ. An FBI that is used as a political weapon. Our nuclear missile fields and stealth bomber base overflown by enemy balloons with no effort to destroy them until after they completed their mission.

Boys dressed like girls going into the ladies bathrooms. Children going to school pretending to be cats aka furrys. Trans sexual selling Budweiser and tampons. A rainbow that used to be a symbol of happiness and leprechaun lore has become a rallying symbol for sexual deviance.

I don’t care what your political belief is this is not my America and I want my America back!
Well said Swamp and Happy 4th!!
