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Water Thunder Engine


Well-known member
Just wanted to Say that your Engine sure looked good Water Thunder.
Looks awesome, sounds awesome, and no doubt it has performance.
Hope to see you around,
did not see the boat in person yet but watching that video of him coming right off the jump WOW!if i would have seen that video when i first built my boat i would either be verry hurt or have sunk or destroyed my boat.i know that was a powerfull boat and not a begginer boat.
Thanks for the complement guy's, hope to see both of at the next ride. I guess you found your way back Faron that's a tough area to navigate when you know it let alone when your not from this area.
Yeah, I found my way no problem. That was only my second time to that area of the marsh.
See you guys at the next run.
I know these large photos sometimes mess up the way the words display on the page, Sorry about that!
But that motor is so cool it deserves to be seen BIG!!


And the sound!!!! For the amount of power, I was surprised to hear that it is so quiet with
just flex pipe. It'll still sound good with mufflers though.

Dang. You've got a true artist's touch Thunder. Way to go! Sweet motor! Sweet boat!!!! :)

Thanks so much Mood that is a good pic. After meeting you I realized in the words of David Allen Coe there was something missing from my boat and that something is a train horn. I must obtain one so my crazy neighbor knows when I'm approaching.
Now Thunder don't go and get your self shot I still want one of your motors on my boat may be I will ask Santa
Nice stand work, infact beautiful workmanship all around. Thats the kind of detail pictures I want to see. Now if I could get a good detail shot of a long belt drive! You running an electric waterpump?
e-mail is dolinskys@shaw.ca. I was also wondering best welding techniques. What do you use? The aircraft guys are really into recomending gas, and really stress normalizing welds. I use a MIG most because im good at it, im also good at gas. I would have to practice up for TIG, been some years but that shouldn't be an obsticle! Friend has a nice machine! Thanks for the offer of Pics!
Faron, Thanks for the Pics. and you build a beautiful boat. I like how you reinforced the hull, must have took some figuing to get the taper on those pieces. Not the way the guys around here build aluminum but I like it! Are the strakes on the sides "angle" and welded on? Just really nice! Guess I'm going to price aluminum and consider it.
Thanks Bill,
The breaks in the side are pressed in not welded angle. I am looking for a few other pictures that might help you. I can't give you all the answers or everyone might want to just build their own but I will try to help get you started on the right foot.