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we need rain


Silent Prop
R. I. P.
Current Min (2000) 20 % Median Mean 80 % Max (2003)
36.30.......38.85........39.75...... 40.78.... 40.97... 42.09..... 43.67

Above are the figures for one of my favorite froggin holes. we really need some rain bad. The water in the area was only a couple of feet deep so we need a couple of feet just to put mud back there. we may be headin for a heck of a drought of course it can all change with a bad storm but that is not good. Ya'll start the rain dances ok we are setting new record lows
Not good, man.

Water levels this low also allow for salt water intrusion in coastal areas. Not enough 'water pressure' inland to keep it out. That can have other, long term effects on the eco-balance for fish and plant life.

Dancin' here, boss .... dancin.
My place in Winter Haven has been getting plenty of rain...the yard is nice and green and I didn't turn on the sprinklers once!!!

We are getting enough for the surface but the water tables are not coming up. No offense neant to anyone with this next line ... we gotta look past the surface to see the real problem brewing.

Salt water intrusion is a very real problem and I was so glad when they decided that septic tanks were bad for the environment because they at least put back part of the water into the ground from which it came. Irf they had kept the lots the houses were built on just a little larger then septic tanks did a great job of filtering if properly installed and maintained, but we couldn't do it so we asked the government to help us out and build more central sewers and BAM just like that ...in came the salt water because we still take out water but we don't put any back now.

just a few thoughts on it
Up here around Levy county it's pretty much been raining the last few days everyday. Some places are getting alot and some not so much. But the water levels aren't coming up much. Still some good running in the lakes and coastal marshes though.