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Wheel Chair Event this Weekend


Well-known member
Just wanted to let every one know that there were about 30 airboaters there and the event and the folks KRVSA and every one showed a lot of effort to make this a great event but we had one very big problem none of the kids that this event was for showed up so we all had lunch and went for a real nice Airboat ride and I made some new friends and got a lot of good Airboating in around lake Kissimmee and compared to the rivers I ride and patrol on in Georgia this was Airboat heaven.

Really, really missed being there. Coast Rica was sumtin' else however.

From the crowd that was there, all I have heard is how "HOT" your boat was. How about some specs so I can answer all the questions coming this way.

PS: No word from the LCSO yet on the proposed Memorial Ride.

My Boat is a 14 ft Diamondback and 7 1/2 wide I have just put a solid grass rake on the front that has a built in step and the Engine is a Chevy ZZ4 That I have done some Mods on.I used a 750 dual feed Holly and I put the spring kit on the secondarys so they come open at low RPM,it has a MSD racing marine distributor and I put a lighter springs in it so it goes to full advance at 2000 RPM and Crane 1.6 roler rockers.
The Drive is a 2 to 1 belt drive with an 80 in Powershift prop and the way the prop is set I am turning 5100 at full throttle and the paint job I also did my self.I have photo's of it in my photo gallery.And I do have a good set of mufflers on it to keep it as quit as possible.
nice boat sniper I have the same 14' x 7 1/2 Diamonback with 2' solid rake with step and 4" walkarounds. ZZ4 no cam or distributor 750 holley no spring kit & just put my mufflers on last week except mine was rigged by classic [not near as nice]with a rotator 2.1-1 with 80 inch 3 blade powershift I'm turning 5100 rpm as well

If I understood you right you are running a 750 holly,if it is the one like I have with vacume secondaries they are probably not cumming open at the RPM you are turning at least not all the way Holly has a spring kit you can install with much lighter springs to select from that will let the secondaries come open at a much lower RPM,it made a big difference on my boat.My boat used to turn 4900 and with just those few mods I made,I
picked up 200 more RPM with out changing the pitch of my prop and a whole lot more power.
Hey Sniper,

I too will be running the ZZ4 with the same Holley carb soon! Can you please tell me where you got the kit for the Holley secondaries?(Would Summit or Jeg's have it)? Have you had any other problems with the Holley such as vacum secondaries dumping/flooding while in choppy water?



I got the spring kit a Summit,there are two things you need and they are on the same page and right together,one is the spring kit amd the other is a two piece kit for the diaphram housing that allows you to change the springs out with out having to bother the diaphram and no I have had no problems with the carb in choppy water or in any situation it has worked flawlesly for me.
I too will be running the ZZ4 with the same Holley carb soon! Can you please tell me where you got the kit for the Holley secondaries?(Would Summit or Jeg's have it)? Have you had any other problems with the Holley such as vacum secondaries dumping/flooding while in choppy water?

If your carb is dumping fuel in choppy water this means fuel is spilling out of your float vent or your boosters. If this happens in semi choppy water your float level is a little too high. There are two way’s to fix this. The easiest is to lower your float level just a little. This almost always fixes the problem. I always run a lower float level in an airboat than I do in a race car because of the different angles your boat planes and deplanes at, and for rough water boating. The other fix if you can’t lower your floats enough with out starving your motor for fuel. Is take a 3/8 fuel line run it in an upward loop from one bowl vent to the other. Then cut a vent in the very top of the hose. Zip tie each end of the hose to the bowl vent so it will not fall off. This works great in drag cars that do wheel stands or lift the front end high up. Because the fuel sloshes around and will spill out of the bowl vent the same way an airboat does in choppy water.
Sniper and Waterthunder,

Thanks so much for the help! I had heard of the trick of the hose from the vent but had never tried it.
