Hey TR....Sorry for a VERY late responce, but I'm honored you wondered where I've been. I also wanna say hey to some of my other friends here that I haven't "seen" in a while.
To answer your question about the magazine article. We've been in 4 in the last several months, but the V6 build...It was in GM Hi Tech. Cal Hartline used my clean room for the article. I really had nothing more to do with it, than a favor to Cal.
And why I havn't been around (If anyone cares) is partially cuz I've just been burried. I've been involved in a lot of high-end drag stuff, some big experimetal aircraft projects, and had a lot of family/personal issues on my plate. And to be perfectly honest...I spent almost a year doing nothing but high-end airboat stuff that left me VERY dissapointed. Everything I loved about the airboating community was basically crushed by the "airboaters with money". As much as I do extreme projects and deal with "high dollar" customers....It seems my experience with "rich" airboaters has left me pretty sour. 90% of airboaters would pay their bill even if it meant they didn't have money to buy a six pack, but the airboaters that have big bank accounts feel it's appropriate to screw small-time people out of their money.
So without more details...That kinda sums up why I've been absent. But I've cleared my head about that, and wanna do what I can to help the people I like...So..Even though I still have some serious unfinished issues with certain individuals...I'd like to say I'm glad to be back, and hang with the people I like.