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Where is the next Ride?

well, now that you are home, hope you had a nice trip. we missed you at the races, another time i have missed shaking hands. looks like the next big ride will be the wedding. maybe this time it will work out. i will try and pick your brain on what we can do to this 502 and keep it reliable.
Thunder come on up to Geneva and ride with us on the Poker Run for the kids on the 28th of Oct.We will be riding south from 46 to Loughmans for lunch and back.Water is great alot of trails and pasture.Normall stops Econ,BS Hill,Reclaimed Waters,Bear Bluff.Bandit just keep that wallet open.LOL
Thunder, Bandit , The poker run on the 28th should be a good run for a good cause. Some nice open marsh also along with what skeeter mentioned. This would also be a great way for those attending the mood/rn wedding to become familiar with this area. Between lunch at loughman's and a free bbq upon return to the jolly gator no one should go hungry.Everyone welcome!
bonnie and i are just about talked into coming over for the run. definitely a good cause and of course good people see ya there. it will be the last weekend before we go to pick up the little one from boot camp
I am new to some of these places y'all are ridin. Can someone help me with directions to the launch area for the Poker Run? Thanks
FoMe - There is no road that goes straight from that area (Lake Wales / Fort Meade / Bartow) over to Titusville. I wish there was, because I'd use it to drive down there!!!

Basket drives that ride for his work weekly or so, he may have some improvements to the following directions.

From Google Maps:
They take you up 17 to Polk Pky then to I-4 then east on 528 (Beachline) and North on I-95

From there, take the Mims exit (Hwy 46) and drive about 10-15 minutes WEST. You'll come to a large bridge, and the Jolly Gator is on the far side of the bridge. It's on the RIGHT, you'll get a good view as you crest the bridge.

The turn is tight. You'll just about have to do a U-Turn out of the right lane. Make sure whoever is behind you is paying attention!!

GPS Coords for the Jolly Gator are:
28° 42.9568' N
81° 02.1138' W

Thunder - you better watch it!!!! :) Sounds like a fun ride. I heard they closed some water management gates down in the stick marsh. Melbourne is getting dry. I wonder if that'll affect us downstream much.... and when.

I hate to say it, but we need a storm to hit us. Not a strong hurricane but a slow moving tropical storm maybe that could stall out over the St. Johns basin a couple of days.

Hey Matt when we went out on Sunday the water was still flowing pretty good over the dam and I know when it is dry at byrd Platt there is no water going over the dam so I am at a loss. But it was flowing pretty good and looks like it will stay that way for now so keep your fingers crossed.

Can't make that one, sure wish we could :cry:

Geneva, Please make sure Skeeter stays away from the captin, LOL!

Fome, I take 60 to 441 to 192 to get most the way there. You miss all the yankees that way :D I-4 accidents daily now round Mickey :shock:

fome, we live in st cloud. if you want to hook up and follow us we took the 417 around to 50 to 95 and north to mims. or heck there are any number of ways to get there but if you want to avoid I-4 get over to 192 either the way basket suggested or get 17n to kissimmee brings you right to 192. that the way we go to camp mack. in any event pm if you want to follow us.
Bandit, take 417 north to the oviedo red bug lake rd. exit . Go right follow till it ends at lockwood rd. go left , follow till it ends at 426 go right . When you get into downtown geneva business district [ the kangaroo convenience store}. Go right on 46. go about 5 miles jolly gator fish camp is on the left behind the public boat ramp. Give me or Jose{i mean skeeter} a call if you want to put in at our neighborhood ramp.

FoMe, You 're best bet would probably be 27 north to I-4 east to 417 north then follow the same directions I gave bandit.


US 27 is tore up from basically up in Lake County all the way down to Southern Polk County right now.

Got them stupid concrete barriers way too close to the road for safe towing :(
