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witch is better

I am not sure if better is applicable. More like which do you have available and which are you better at ? When using a Mig I found it best to lay it on the pipe first and roll it over the wire so as not to burn the wire in two, its kinda tricky. Brazin is good maybe it is better if done right but the trick is in the doin either way.
On the Diamondback boats they put the wire on with SS tie wraps and they work very well and the a are easy to put on and a lot easyer to fix than a weld.
Where can you get those ss tie raps and the tool for tighting them
Brazing the wire on tends to heat the wire less. That makes it less likely the wire will become brittle and break down the road when the vibrations hit it. Although brazing it on is not as sexy as being able to say “Man, I Mig welded that�
I've seen stainless cable ties on cabletiesexpress.com but they're not cheap. I think that they may also have the tightening tool. There are probably a lot of other sources if you take the time to look around.
I usually mig the wire on cages but it still brakes and the wire comes loose but that all part of running a boat you can tell how hard the boat is ran when you look at the wire on the cage.
most people stretch the wire tight before they tack it on. ive found if you leave a little slack in it before you tack it, the welds hold up alot better.